Archive for March, 2013

Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier

Posted: March 30, 2013 by Kenny in Craft
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Blackberry witbierCountry of Origin:  United Stales
Alcohol Content:  5.5%
Sequence:  First
Finished:  Yes
Vessel:  Glass by way of bottle

I was excited for this one, a Blackberry Witbier. I was hoping that it was like the Mill Street Blueberry Wheat. If you remember, it was half way through that beer that I discovered that it was purple in colour. So right from the get go, I poured this guy out to see what colour it was. Not purple. It was copper with a hint of red. still kinda fun, but not WOW!

The smell, OH the smell. The only thing I can compare it to, that i know you have all had, is cherry cough syrup. It smells just like Robitussin. Thankfully, it tasted way better that that stuff ever did.

It was a nice balance of fruity and beery. I enjoyed it A LOT! I’m sad that I didn’t pick up a few. Next time I’m down in the States, I’ll grab some. It would be awesome on a hot summer day by the pool.

Whale’s Tale Pale Ale

Posted: March 29, 2013 by Kenny in Craft
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lWhalesTailBottleCountry of Origin:  United States
Alcohol Content:  5.6%
Sequence:  First
Finished:  Yes
Vessel:  Bottle

You’ll see a lot of little, one off US brews in the next little while, I picked of a strange mixer of singles from Publix, a grocery store, in Florida. Never even heard of half of them, This one, however, I have heard of.

This brew came from the Massachusetts (hey..first try!) island of Nantucket, where the only other things I’ve ever heard of from there is Family Guy and Wings…if only they could mash the two together, I’d watch that!

I thought I would like a beer with my pizza (yes, again. The kids like it, shut up) but when I looked in the fridge, I saw about 3,897 Sam Adams, a few South American beers and the rest (about 14) were all IPAs. Guess I’m having a hoppy beer tonight.

I opened it and my daughter, the animal lover, got a big smile on her face, she saw the tail. “That’s a whale! Why are you drinking a whale, daddy?” Thats a tough question to answer..but the I put food in front of her and it was all forgotten.

The smell was all IPA, a nice citrusy smell, much like the Nobile Pils was. The first taste was amazing! I loved it! Then we got to eating, and by the time I was done drinking it, it was kinda harsh. Pretty sure it was because it was a little too warm, but it didn’t finish well.

Roscoe’s Hop House Amber Ale

Posted: March 29, 2013 by Kenny in Craft
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roscoesCountry of Origin: United States
Alcohol Content:  5.5%
Sequence:  First
Finished:  Yes
Vessel:  Bottle

During our Easter bake-a-thon (brownies, cookies, pecan pie and apple tarte), I took a break in the mid afternoon to enjoy a beer. I grabbed the next in line and it happened to be this one. It looked interesting when I picked it up in the States, the label was a worn, brown colour and it was in a prohibition era style. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Isn’t that how a lot of bad stories start? I guess you couldn’t call this a bad story, just a boring ass one. There is a nice amber smell to the beer, and at first it certainly tastes a little malty, but thats where it stops. After two or three pulls, all I got was brown water taste. It was really kinda bland.

At least I had some yummy cookies to make up for it.


Posted: March 29, 2013 by Kenny in Imported
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FostasCountry of Origin:  Australia
Alcohol Content:  4.9%
Sequence:  Sixth
Finished:  Yes
Vessel:  Glass by way of GIANT CAN

When you see a 25oz can of beer for $1.90, two things come to mind:

  1.     Holy hell that’s a lot of beer for cheap!
  2.     Holy hell that’s a lot of beer for cheap!

Kinda makes you wonder how they can sell it for so little, when a beer half the size is the same price. I’ve had Fosters before, but that was a long time ago. This is going to hurt, I’m sure.

Pat and I poured it out while making the obligatory “Simpson’s” references….B..E….C..O, chazzwozzers, knifey/spoony…all of them.  Then the smell hit us! It’s a good thing this was the 6th beer of the night, because I don’t think we could have managed to anymore after this.

It took almost all we had to finish them, quivering with every sip. It’s almost like between sips we forgot how bad it was… like in The Simpsons’ Cape Feare episode when Bart runs from side to side of the boat Sideshow Bob is planning on….damn, those years of the Simpsons were amazing, right?